As an importer, are you aware that data-collecting companies can access your manifest information and potentially share it with your competitors? The Freedom of Information Act states that cargo manifest data is public information, allowing companies to access and dispense information you may think is private.
Public manifest information includes:
- Name and address
- General character of cargo
- Number of packages
- Gross weight
- Name of the vessel, aircraft, or carrier
- Seaport or airport of loading and of discharge
- Country of origin
- Trademarks appearing on the goods or packages
Keeping Your Information Confidential
Although legally this information can be shared, importers have the ability to request Manifest Confidentiality. TRG recommends keeping your manifest information confidential. Since your voyage and product information is public, thieves can target your plane or boat. Confidentiality can help prevent theft since your voyage and product information will not be easily accessible. This also allows you to keep your private business practices from your competitors.
Requesting Manifest Confidentiality
Previously, importers could only request this online. However, Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
is now only accepting applications via mail.
The following information is required to request confidentiality:
Contact TRG to learn how we can assist you in securing your manifest data.
Please note, however, that confidentiality lasts for two years and must be renewed 60 days before expiration.