Trade Spotlight Archives
10 + 2 Step Your Way Through ISF with
Importing into the United States is a privilege. There is nothing in the Constitution that gives
anyone the “right” to import. Choose to respect your importing privilege by implementing
changes that increase the integrity of your import operations.

10+2 Importer Security Filing is a proposed rule by Customs and Border Protection which requires
that importers or their agents and carriers transmit additional data elements to CBP for non-bulk
cargo 24 hours prior to vessel lading; 10 from the importers and 2 from the carriers. This initiative is
for security purposes. It will allow CBP to asses the risk and target suspicious containers earlier helping
to prevent terrorist weapons from entering the U.S. 10+2 Importer Security Filing is proposed to
have its final ruling in the coming months. Below is a best guess estimated timeline based on information
provided by CBP as well as a list of the additional data elements Customs will require the
importer to file. Until the final ruling is passed, there are many unknowns and speculations as to how
the ISF will catapult changes to many of the other areas in the trade community.

The approval and implementation of 10+2 is just around the corner, but we are going to make this
easy for you! TRG Direct is YOUR solution. Brokers will be increasing their fees with the new
data element requirements even though you will still be the one providing them with the information.
Since you (the importer of record) are ultimately responsible, NOW is the time to take control of your
import compliance.
YOU are ultimately liable for the accuracy of the data transmitted to customs.
YOU provide your broker with the information to file the entry.
YOU have the legal right to file your entries without the added cost of a customs broker
YOU need to take control of your import integrity and avoid these...

Possible ISF Non-Compliance Penalties
- No load at origin
- Refusal to allow upload at destination
- Significant delays for inspections at destination
- Liquidated damages equal to the value of the merchandise involved in the default
The "Ten" in Ten Plus Two
- Manufacturer Name & Address
- Seller Name & Address
- Container stuffing Location
- Consolidator Name & Address
- Buyer Name & Address
- Ship to Name& Address
- Importer of Record #
- Consignee #
- Country of Origin of the Goods
- Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule # (6 digit)