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Get Your C-TPAT on the Back From US Customs
Founding members of TRG Direct and experts in supply chain security, Mike Laden
and Kelby Woodard, joined Custom’s team to develop C-TPAT.
C-TPAT is one of many CBP Security Initiatives
Importers · Carriers · Consolidators · Customs Brokers · Manufacturers
Uphold the integrity of global supply chain security. In a post 9/11 world the trade
community has been witness to numerous hurdles affecting the import processes made
known by Customs and Border Protection. Constant implementation and modification of
import compliance laws such as the Mod Act and the possible implementation of 10+2 has
left importers searching for ways to offset the costs associated with these hurdles. C-TPAT
is a voluntary initiative creating cooperative relationships between all links of the
international supply chain and improving the security of our U.S. Borders. Through this
initiative importers are asked to communicate and verify their supply chain practices with
Customs (as well as their business partners) in exchange for benefits.

Are you recveiving these benefits?
- A reduced number of CBP inspections resulting in less border delay times
- Front of the line priority processing when possible on CBP inspections
- Assignment of a C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Specialist who will work with the company to validateand enhance security throughout the company’s international supply chain
- Potential eligibility for ISA-Importer Self Assessment
- Eligibility to attend C-TPAT supply chain security training seminars
- A better understanding of and a more secure supply chain
If you are already a C-TPAT member... has your commitment been validated?
CBP plans to validate all C-TPAT members. This
is not an audit, it is merely a formal review of the
importer’s supply chain security. The validation
process should be complete by the third year of
participation in the program if not sooner. It
may take up to 2 weeks to complete the review
so validations are initiated based on the
importer’s level of risk. In order to retain your
membership you must demonstrate a
commitment to enhancing supply chain
security through both procedural and physical
security requirements.
Once the validation process is complete, CBP will
provide a report with their findings. If
weaknesses are found the company’s benefits
may be suspended or removed. Importers with
the highest commitment to the integrity of their supply chains may receive an increase in
TIER One—Any C-TPAT certified member receives the benefits listed above
TIER Two—Completed C-TPAT validation and met the minimum security requirements
TIER Three—Completed C-TPAT validation and exceed the minimum security requirements
Did you know?
In order to receive the C-TPAT benefit of a reduced number of ocean cargo inspections, importers must submit their entry 24 hours prior to the shipment arriving at the port. Direct filing is a great way to take control of the entry process and maximize your C-TPAT benefits. It takes usually only 8-10 minutes to self file an entry.