All U.S. Customs Bonds Definitions
This U.S. Customs bond guarantees duties and taxes are paid on imported goods and that the goods are in compliance with Federal Regulations. The continuous Importer bond has been amended to cover
Importer Security Filing.
This continuous U.S. Customs bond allows an importer to obtain a refund of 99% of the duties paid on imported goods upon providing proof these goods were exported.
This bond covers the activities of bonded merchandise warehouses, carriers, cartmen and container stations. All of these business types are responsible in the course of their activities for merchandise which has not yet been entered into the commerce of the United States and on which duties are still due. Such goods are referred to as being in-bond. The continuous Custodian U.S. Customs bond has been amended to secure Importer Security Filing.
This U.S. Customs bond ensures operators properly manifest all goods and passengers they carry, pay for the overtime services of Customs officers and comply with all regulations related to the clearance of their vehicles. This U.S. Customs bond has been amended to secure Importer Security Filing.
An FTZ is considered non-U.S. territory for Customs’ purposes and foreign goods placed into the FTZ may be manufactured, manipulated, repacked or exported without paying duties. The continuous FTZ bond has been amended to secure Importer Security Filing.
An Airport Security Bond (ASB) is a U.S. Customs bond needed for out sourced service companies to enter secured areas of airports (like cleaning services not employed by the airlines to clean planes or maintenance individuals not employed by the airlines to fix something).