Payment Method

3701 Trakker Trail Suite 1B, #65

Bozeman, MT 59718

PH 406-922-6500

FX 406-922-6501

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Payment Method

TRG's eCheck payment option offers fast and secure payment processing while decreasing the risk of check fraud. TRG has your online security in mind and never stores your payment information.
Please note that upon proceeding to the payment page you will be required to enter and verify your payment method details (i.e. credit card number or bank account number, etc.). By completing the payment page and confirming payment you agree and confirm that you have entered the correct information and that if the payment does not successfully process due to incorrect information entered there will be an additional $25 declined payment fee due to TRG.

You are about to leave the TRG hosted website and go to our payment processing hosted site.

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